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have a question or a comment you can post it in our forum.
Tips for
Selling merchandise through webmasterbids.com is a unique experience.
This section gives you advice about how to best use webmasterbids.com
as a seller. If you're a buyer, read Tips
for Buyers.
Fees >>
How to
place an auction
1) Click
on "Start an Auction" under the members area on the left side
of the screen.
2) Select the button labelled "I understand and agree"
3) Choose a category that you web site would be best suited in.
4) Choose a subcategory that you web site would be best suited in.
5) Repeat steps 3 and 4 above for another category.
6) Fill in all the appropriate field. Fields with a * are mandatory.
7) Hit the button labelled "Preview"
8) Preview your auction and verify that everything is OK then hit the
button labelled "Start my Auction"
Be Complete
In Your Descriptions
Try to anticipate questions people may have, and be complete in your description
of your item. This will save you the trouble of answering email questions
from potential bidders. Don't forget to specify who will pay for shipping,
and enter the location of the item in the description field.
Add Your Photo
Show off your item with an image or photograph and let potential buyers
see your item with more detail. If you are adding images to your
auction item please do not allow the original size of the image
to be larger than 500 x 500 pixels, so that it will conform to the site
standards. Coding the image is simple, all you have to do is input the
web address of the image (url). This site does not upload images, you
must have them at an existing url for the auction scripts to refer to.
" " or other special characters
Provide Terms For Sale
To properly assure that you receive payment for the items you sell, include
your payment method and shipping terms in your listing. Further, you may
want to insure the item before shipping, and you may want to accept more
secure forms of payment (such as credit cards), where you are able to
verify the buyer. Finally, if you are unsure about a buyer, you may want
to use an escrow service.
Be Courteous To Bidders
Remember that, as a seller, you have additional responsibility in any
transaction, since you are advertising a particular item for sale, and
are receiving money for that item when you make the sale. Also, please
remember that your actions reflect directly on YourAuctionSite.com.
A little bit of courtesy goes a long way, especially via e-mail. Simply
taking the time to write in complete sentences, with a salutation and
closing, can make a big difference in how you are viewed via e-mail. Be
sure to treat everyone with the courtesy that you expect to receive.
Contact The Buyer
Be sure you take the time to talk on the phone with the buyer, especially
if you have any discomfort about your e-mail exchanges with this person.
E-mail communication is sometimes awkward, and it may be difficult to
judge another person's personality, honesty, etc., without having an actual
conversation person-to-person.
Also, many people don't read their e-mail every day, so you shouldn't
assume someone is ignoring you just because you haven't heard from them
in a while.
for Credit
We have just implemented a "Request for Credit" feature for
auctions that have bidders but do not pay or contact you.
To request a credit:
1) Log in by clicking on the link labeled "My Account" on the
left side
2) Select "Request a Credit" under the "My Auctions"
3) Select the auction number of the auction that you are requesting credit
4) Fill in the form and hit submit.
Note: This feature only applies to auctions started after April
15th, 2002. The auction must be closed for at least seven days and no
more than 60 days. A request is not a guarantee that you will receive
credit. We will contact the highest bidder and request an explanation.
A credit is given based on the explanation from the highest bidder.
Advertise your item in the appropriate newsgroups, bulletin boards etc.
AOL Classifieds (for AOL customers) is another good spot.
Make your descriptions as accurate as possible as to condition and add
as much technical information as you feel necessary. You can also upload
pictures if you have that technology, or if you have access to a server
where you can put a picture, you can put a link to it when you register
the item.